155. New Feature Notification - API and Webhooks
2024.02.13 07:44:30
New Feature Notification - API and Webhooks
Moaform PRO service users can now utilize APIs and webhooks.
With the Moaform API, you can perform the following tasks:
- Fetching a List of All Forms in My Account
- Fetching Detailed Information for a Specific Form
- Fetching Response Data for a Specific Form
- Deleting Specific Response Data from a Specific Form
- Downloading a Specific Attachment Uploaded by a Respondent to a Specific Form
- Creating a Webhook for a Specific Form
- Fetching Webhook Information for a Specific Form
- Modifying Settings for a Specific Webhook of a Specific Form
- Deleting a Specific Webhook from a Specific Form
Using webhooks, you can receive real-time basic information and response data for forms as responses are collected.
Documentation for the API and webhooks can be found in the Moaform API/webhook category at the Moaform Help Center.
If you have any questions about the API and webhooks, please contact us through the 'Contact Us' button at the bottom of the Moaform Help Center.
Thank you.